Story of movie Ganda Hendathi : Ganda Hendathi story tells the effect of wrong path in the family life. it is not just enough the sacred 'Mangalasutra' is tied around the neck at the marriage hall. The marital need in every sense has to be fulfilled by both of them. Sanjana in an inevitable situation agrees for marriage after her sister's death as the young child Sanchali had to be taken care. Sanjana meets her ex boy friend Sachin in the busy market streets of Bangkok. In a fi
Movie Title :
Ganda Hendathi
Release Date :
12:00am on Friday 28th July 2006
language :
Star cast :
Ravi Belegere,Chanchali,Manju Bashini,Vishal Hegde,Tilak
Director :
Ravi Srivatsa
Producer :
Shailendra Babu
Music Director :
Genre :
Action Director :
Play Back Singers :
Gurukiran,Kunal Ganjawala
Screenplay :
Prawaal Raman
Actor :
Ravi Belegere,Chanchali,Manju Bashini,Vishal Hegde,Tilak
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